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Overture for an Undertaker

Overture for an Undertaker

A Capitol Theatre stagehand finds Beethoven's undiscovered Tenth Symphony and he donates it to the local Auxiliary. But when someone threatens to steal it at the unveiling ceremony, the authorities call in protection. Unfortunately, they hire Elliot Brick, Wheeling's dumbest private detective. It's an outrageous murder mystery comedy full of local flavor and music. (Written by Butch Maxwell & Bert Furioli with Ryan Sears.)

2024 Cast:
Mrs. Tallulah Shepherd-Boggs-Zane - Dustin Heavilin
Leonard BeersteinSean Decker
Mac McGuffin - Evan Oslund (April) - Pete Fernbaugh (May)
Tammy Cash - Renee Storm
Elliot Brick - Butch Maxwell

Meet the Characters | Scenes from Overture for an Undertaker | Audience photos | Video Trailer

Original Run: March - May, 2014, Revived 2024

Last updated: June 5, 2024