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Written by David Barluch

Its back to school for the Mystery Theatre as three professors and one very spoiled co-ed at Prestigious University suddenly have to deal with the unexpected demise of their retiring dean.

"Something Stinks at P.U." when they realize that someone killed for his job.

Gino Angelo, Cheryl Saseen, Butch Maxwell and Dee McCorkle

Dr. Victor Timm is the Dean of the College of Sciences at Prestigious University. He has recently announced his retirement. Known for his research in the field of testing the effects of polyester on laboratory rats, he is a viscous, mean-spirited old geezer who is bitter, dating back to when he was kicked off the Manhattan Project team because he thought they were making cocktails.

KymNasty comes naturally to Professor of BioHazards Dr. Kim Mickle (Arlene Merryman.) Kym has been in charge of the faculty welcoming committee, having recently stopped welcoming Dr. William Adonna after only two years of making him feel at home at Prestigious University. Recently, she has been working very closely with the Dean to make him feel welcome... to leave the College of Sciences under her control.

The longest-tenured faculty in Prestigious University's College of Science, Dr. Saul Fuhr (Gino Angelo) is an astronomer with a lot of space between his ears. A science fiction enthusiast, his office hours are posted in "star dates."


Bill AdonnaShallow and over-confident, Dr. Bill Adonna (Butch Maxwell) is the latest addition to the faculty. He hopes to be named the new dean, at least to secure an important grant from the National Institute of Science for the Confusion of Public Perceptions. He wants to launch a research project about the effects of a red sports car on the love life of a university professor.

PennyRich, spoiled, and not too bright, Penny Loafer (Cheryl Saseen) has been a student at Prestigious University for ten years. While she maintains that being a student beats working for a living, she hopes to meet a man who will keep her in the manner to which she has become accustomed... idol.

Original Performance Dates:
October 2000

Last updated: September 22, 2008